I see this current pandemic crisis as an opportunity and a wake-up call coming from the natural world. Nature is reminding us who, ultimately, is in charge. She is reminding us that we must respect her laws. Hopefully, the corona crisis which is currently threatening humanity with real consequences, and the climate crisis which most of humanity has been unwilling to come to grips with, will finally cause us to heed these wake-up calls. Humanity has to stop exploiting the natural world, assuming there will be no consequences.
We also need to start working together rather than seeking to satisfy our individual wants at the expense of the whole. Every day now, Carole and I are witnessing an outpouring of good will and mutual support within our community as we all seek to deal with the virus. If there is to be any silver lining, it will come in the emergence of a great collaborative effort to support all of humanity through these crises. It will also come from greater respect for and stewardship of the natural world.
Since the publication of In Our Hands two years ago, I have been surprised to find that the book was just the foundation upon which I would undertake deeper reflection on how we can all join forces to solve the climate crisis and evolve to a higher level of well-being. The corona pandemic has brought into even greater focus the opportunities that are now before us for humanity to reach its full potential.
The video Transforming the Climate Crisis into an Opportunity highlights portions of a recent talk I gave on this topic. I hope you will take the time to watch it - and pass it on to others if you feel it has value. Over the next weeks, I will alert you to three other short clips entitled:
• What’s the new story? - The story we have been living has gotten us into a world of trouble
• Business Solutions to the Climate Crisis
• Intergenerational Actions to Solve the Climate Crisis
Be well,